“Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.

Join Hands And Be A Hero​

Participate in our mission and help us continue creating a better tomorrow .

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Meals of Happiness Program

Notears Foundation working to help underprivileged reshape themselves through the use of education and health. 

Volunteer Journey

Join Us in an Animal Welfare Tour​

To make adequate arrangements and start the hospitals, forest lands, Van-Uddhan for birds and animals
for all and for injured-ill birds and animals.

Volunteering Experience

Other Experiences

Be a Part Of

Our Mission

To promote, administer, advertise, either on its own or through fully equipped schools, play schools,
colleges, educational institutes, universities including deemed or autonomous universities and to
promote and disseminate knowledge, create awareness and provide a common forum of interaction
amongst academicians, professionals establish effective co-ordination, to organise training courses and
special programmes to impart training, education in all disciplines.we are work for the foundation charity.







10 +

Animals Saved

10 +

Children helped

0 +

Members Worldwide

1 +

Womens helped

Know More About

What We Achieved

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

To Know More


We are in search of opportunities to help as many youth as possible. We approach and fund all those who are in need.Today’s youth need a helpful hand and right guidance at every stage. Here’s where we take care of them like our own.We run small-scale schools for the underprivileged children and youth of daily wage workers for a better future.We run organizations where we employ youngsters so they can live their dreams for themselves and their families.

Welcome to notears foundation

The No tears foundation  was established in 2021 for the protection and development of children on the street and in difficult circumstances.
No tears  Trust works for the all round development of street children by providing:

‘Help Transform Lives Of Girls And Women On The Streets Of Delhi’

Children living on Delhi and kanpur  streets are deprived of basic rights of Survival, Protection, Development, and Participation (UN Convention: Child Rights).
Make a contribution! : The best way to show your support is to make a donation – doesn’t matter how big or small. Every contribution has the power to make a huge difference.
Share to show you care : Yes, sharing on your social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, or LinkedIn helps increase the reach of the campaign and in turn the donations.
To read more and support the campaign

They Need Your Help!